Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for Svenfish - Crazy Fresh Fish!

  1. Introduction: This policy outlines our handling of personal information collected through our website and services.

  2. Data Collection: We collect personal information such as names, addresses, and payment details through website sign-ups and order processing on Shopify.

  3. Use of Data: Collected data is used for order fulfillment, customer service, and marketing purposes, including email notifications and promotions via Klaviyo.

  4. Data Sharing: We may share information with third parties necessary for service delivery (e.g., shipping) and use Shopify for e-commerce transactions.

  5. User Consent: By using our services, users consent to our data collection and usage practices.

  6. User Rights: Users have rights to access, update, or delete their personal information.

  7. Data Security: We implement measures to protect user data from unauthorized access.

  8. Changes to Policy: This policy may be updated periodically, and changes will be communicated via our website.